Abc Design Salsa 4 Air

The Versatile Salsa 4 Air Combination Stroller for City or Countryside

Perfect for Urban Adventures or Off-Road Expeditions

Whether you're strolling along the city streets or heading off the beaten track, the Salsa 4 Air combination stroller is designed to adapt to your every adventure.

Features for the City and Beyond

With its lightweight aluminum frame, compact foldability, and puncture-proof air-filled tires, the Salsa 4 Air offers both convenience and reliability. Its adjustable suspension ensures a smooth ride on uneven terrain, while its spacious storage basket provides ample room for essentials.

Versatile Design for Every Stage

The 3-in-1 convertible design allows the Salsa 4 Air to accommodate newborns and toddlers. It seamlessly transforms from a carrycot for infants to a sports seat for older children. The reversible seat orientation allows for both forward- and parent-facing positions.


Whether you're navigating the urban jungle or exploring the countryside, the Salsa 4 Air combination stroller offers unmatched versatility. Its lightweight design, puncture-proof tires, and adjustable suspension make it the perfect companion for families who value both convenience and adventure. The Salsa 4 Air will leave a lasting impression as the ultimate all-rounder for city living and outdoor excursions.

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