Cducsu Fraction Within The German Bundestag

CDU/CSU Fraction within the German Bundestag

Overview of the fraction

The CDU/CSU fraction is the common fraction of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) and the Christian Social Union of Bavaria (CSU) within the German Bundestag (parliament). The CDU and the CSU are two closely related parties that form a common fraction in the Bundestag due to their shared conservative and Christian democratic values.

Members of the CDU/CSU faction

As of December 2021, the CDU/CSU fraction has 245 members in the Bundestag. This makes it the largest fraction in the parliament, ahead of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) with 206 members and the Alternative for Germany (AfD) with 83 members.

Leadership of the CDU/CSU fraction

The leader of the CDU/CSU fraction is currently Friedrich Merz. Merz was elected to the position in 2021, succeeding Armin Laschet, who had served as leader of the fraction since 2018.

Policies of the CDU/CSU fraction

The CDU/CSU fraction generally supports conservative and Christian democratic policies. The fraction's platform includes support for a strong social market economy, a limited role for the state, and a commitment to Christian values.

History of the CDU/CSU fraction

The CDU/CSU fraction was founded in 1949 following the establishment of the Federal Republic of Germany. The fraction has been a major force in German politics ever since, and has led the government for most of the post-war period.

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