A Rising Star In The Media Landscape

Meet Jana Wosnitza: The Dynamic German TV Host and Sports Journalist

A Rising Star in the Media Landscape

Jana Wosnitza, born in 1993 in Cologne, Germany, has established herself as a prominent figure in the German media industry. Her versatility as a television host and sports journalist has earned her an impressive following of 170,000 on Instagram and a substantial social media presence.

From Business to Broadcasting

Wosnitza initially pursued a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration at the University of Mannheim. However, her passion for communication and sports eventually led her to the world of broadcasting. During her studies, she embarked on an exchange semester with a focus on journalism.

A Dream Fulfilled: Joining RTL Sport

Wosnitza's lifelong dream of appearing on the renowned dance competition "Let's Dance" has become a reality. She is currently a moderator for TV events at RTL Sport and RTL, Germany's leading commercial television networks. Her engaging style and expertise in sports reporting have made her a popular figure among viewers.

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